8-Week Infinite Soul Experience

You are ready to expand and heal. 

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Hey love,

There’s no accident you saw my post and are reading this love note. This page is an invitation to a more healed, clear and more awakened version of you.

While you may know me as a business coach, this 8 Week experience has NO elements of business work or strategy. Self-fulfillment is the path to wealth, wealth is not the path to fulfillment. (only 1 week is the retreat, integration and support are the other weeks)

I know all too well how seeking an expanded version of yourself and/or uninformed trauma can show up in various areas of one’s life. I’m going to share with you things I’ve never shared, if you are aligned, keep going. 

We can’t talk about healing and expanding into your infinite self without understanding just how deep this shit runs. Before I was born, I was a burden to my mother who was a 19 year old single mother with two children before me. I was “gifted” to another family who adopted me. That family was dysfunctional because of their own trauma - my father was raised by alcoholic men who beat women for fun. I grew up watching men abuse and misuse women they claimed to love - this left a negative molecular imprint in my mind that I was not safe unless I was prepared to fight. I felt I had to protect myself against others and men couldn’t be trusted. As far as my mother, I didn't understand as a young girl/woman why she stayed until I understood for myself. 

Whole, healthy self-loving humans don’t stay in situations that do not serve them, that hurt them or crush their spirit. 

As I grew through my pre-teen and teen years I experienced sexual trauma - just adding to the trauma I was already carrying. I didn’t identify rejection and abandonment issues as trauma - I just knew because of those things, I showed up in a very defensive/aggressive way. All of these experiences molded me, formed thoughts and subconsciously I felt I had to prove that I was worthy of love, deserving and wasn’t a failure. For decades I thought, “well, this is just who I am, so deal with it!”

BUT…somewhere deep inside I knew I was destined to be greater - I knew it, but didn’t know how or why. I knew there was another woman inside me who was screaming to be freed! For years I felt it in my spirit. I didn’t feel safe to fully emerge until about 3 years ago - that was the beginning of this journey that you may have been witnessing. I continue to evolve and attract women like you who are also in deep exploration of themselves. 

As I navigated a misaligned marriage, a divorce, a hysterectomy, bankruptcy, and several, what the world called “affairs..” and starting a successful businesses - I was faced with the reality that if I really wanted to be happy, whole and healed, I’d have to bare it all - and get naked with all the truths I was to busy to deal with. All the things that just existed; they weren’t all bad, but it wasn't fully ME either.

That looked like therapy, cannabis, life coaches, retreats and a multitude of modalities that supported my evolution. What I understand is that we need IMMERSION - going to therapy once or twice a month is great AND it takes years to shift perspectives for most people. I believe we need more than ONE type of help for the many things we are facing.

I began to remove myself from my daily environment and go deep in immersion therapies of multiple types. See love, this is about what is deep in your subconscious mind - the shit you pretend isn’t there, the things that have you operating in trauma responses, the things you avoid to make the little girl in you feel “safe.” 

This is where I discovered Psychedelics, specifically mushrooms aka “schrooms.” I was one of those people who was like, “I’ll never do that!!” and with judgment in my voice. 

Enlightenment is a beautiful thing and it’s attracted you to this invitation to go on your own guided spiritual healing nakedAF journey.

Psychedelics create cognitive flexibility in your brain where you are currently blocked and/or unaware. I am not an expert in Psychedelics, I am a consumer. During your initiation period you’ll be educated on how they work. 

This is a wellness immersion experience with a Retreat component, with education about the benefits of plant medicine. Consumption is a personal and optional choice. There is no additional fee if you choose to consume. 

What can you expect from your “trip/journey” if you chose:
No one can tell you what your “trip/journey” will be like, we don’t know - we are not in your brain, we did not experience your life, we do not know - it will REVEAL itself to you. You’ll want to trust and surrender fully - this may feel scary for you, lean into that - don’t run.

You are your own healer, and after your journey you will have a “knowing” that you’ve ever known before - it can change who you are -that’s why many people choose it as therapy to help with depression, trauma, anxiety and other disorders. It will open your world.

You could also experience what feels like "nothing," which is unlikely but still possible. The more open you truly are, the more open you will be  - only you are in control of your journey.

You don’t have to pretend to have it together or know all of the answers, it’s okay to be HERE.

This leads me to details of this experience.

You will be guided in a safe, controlled environment to support during your 8 Week experience. The retreat is ONLY one of those weeks - the other weeks are all virtual.

During this experience, you may experience deep awareness's, crying, breakthroughs, joy, laugher, and curiosity. You must be open, which is why the initiation period is important. 

You must understand that how you view everything and everyone in your life, could change in just a matter of days. I deeply committed to the sacredness of this work.

The Infinite Soul Experience will be held in a private residence with an intimate group of women who are equally as committed to getting naked then walking into their own enlightenment. No men outside of potential house staff. 

Week 1 - Initiation (virtual)
The week before you arrive at your retreat location, you’ll start your initiation to prepare your mind and body for your new transformation into your new season.

This is a series of communications and a group session with the other participants and our Journey Guide.

Week 2 - Retreat Week

Soft agenda 4nts/5days
Day 1 - arrival to retreat home + rest + naked cleanse 
Day 2 - intention rituals
Day 3 - play + journey at sunset
Day 4 - acknowledge + processing
Day 5 - afternoon suggested departure

Additional inclusions:
  • Private residence accommodations (double occupancy/single occupancy add $1,500)
  • All meals
  • Plant Medicine
  • Onsite 24/7 support

Dates to choose from
  1. January 6-10, 2023, Undisclosed location
  2. March 16-20, 2023 - Jamaica
  3. June 8-12, 2023 - Undiscloed location
  4. August 31- September 4, 2023 - Undisclosed location 
  5. December 14-18, 2023 - Mexico - Undisclosed location...SOLD OUT
  6. April 4-8, 2024, San Jose, Costa Rica
  7. August 22-26, location TBD (out of country

Week 3 - Grounding (virtual)
Ahhhh. This is the week of heightened senses, potential agitations of the basic-ness you left home pre-journey and the magnetizing that you'll attract as a result of the new awareness that WILL present themselves to you.

Weeks 4 - 8 Integration (virtual)
This is where you'll need the MOST support as you are navigating all the feelings and revelations associated with your journey. You'll be fully supported and be given tools to help you navigate your awakening in a world you likely will have a new view within.

Weeks 4,6, and 8 are sessions with your other "travelers," myself and our guide. Weeks 5 and 7 are reflective and integration weeks with no sessions.
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Inside of my own 5mg Journey

Feminine & Rich Coaching, LLC | Copyright 2024